Saturday, December 3, 2011

Trying something new.

Tonight, I had beef liver for the first time in my life. I saw it at Whole Foods and asked the guys at the meat department what it tastes like, how to cook it, and I told them I was just curious. So they were cool enough to give me a free quarter pound sample. I have to say... I like it! The taste isn't too bad, but the texture is kinda weird haha. But I got used to it after a couple bites and can't wait to go and get some more! But on top of the liver, I also cooked about half a pound of grass-fed beef New York steak and made some sweet potato fries! The dinners I've had these past two days... nothing short of delicious. I'm starting to think this is gonna turn into a food/cooking blog!

Man, this intimidated me when I unwrapped it haha.

Sliced up half of a red onion.

Sweet potato fries hot and fresh outta the oven! Baked them at 450 for 25 minutes with extra virgin olive oil and some herbs/spices.

The red onions and the liver cooking in 1 teaspoon of coconut oil.

The beef cooking in 1 tablespoon butter.

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